Rabu, 28 September 2011

Taeyeon Q&A

1. First Kiss: Dont have.. Would like to try
Ahahahai, eonni polooos yaaa xD

2. If you have a boyfriend: Er... Shy.. We will love each other deeply~~~ ^^
Awww, eonni yeoja yang sweet banget!! Huaaa, namja mana nih yang beruntung bisa saling mencintai dalem gini sama kamu eonn~~!!! :D

3. If you boyfriend betrayed you?: I will take revenge without realising.. hehe
Aww, I'm agree with Taenggoo ^^

4. The most important thing to your boyfriend: Trust
Wohoooo!! Ini suka banget nih jawaban dia yang ini!!! Eonni xDDD :* 

5. The acceptable Marriage Age Difference: Age that able to dote me.. thats enough already
Hmm, jadi gapapa nih beda umur 6 tahun juga? eaaa eaaa~

6. Needs to spend time together with your boyfriend?: Yes, very agreed
Heumm? Yeah.. *sakit hati gue baca jawabannya* :')

7. What do think of sex before marriage?: Definitely NO!
Woooow, seSuju banget!!! ^^

Hahaha, daebak ya Taeyeon eonni :D Makin cinta sama dia ~ :* 

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